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SFV OG shake
SFV OG shake

SFV OG shake

Only 4 left in stock
£49 (10g)
£83 (20g)
Quantity based pricing table
2 and more

SFV OG is a type of marijuana that has THC in it. This kind of weed is strong and can make people feel better. It is good for people who need relief but does not want to be stuck on the couch.

Advantages of smoking Pot

  1. Sometimes it is good for stress relief
  2. Helps with anxiety
  3. Gives you energy when you are tired
  4. It helps to be able to sleep better sometimes
  5. Makes food taste better
  6. Can help with pain issues by relieving some of it so people can function better in day to day life
Additional information
Weight10 g